Benefits of Fasting Help Kill Cancer Cells

The health benefits of fasting should be taught to every oncologist in the world. You can actually kill cancer cells with many different types of fasting techniques. Obviously, cancer patients should work closely with a trusted, qualified healthcare professional before attempting a fast of any kind.

Although not widely-known, studies have found that fasting slowed the growth and spread of tumors and even eliminated the threat of cancer in some patients.

How does fasting help cancer patients?

If you think fasting is only for healthy people – you would be mistaken. Scientific research suggests that cancer patients, undergoing chemotherapy treatment, experienced a better outcome with less severe side effects. In fact, you can find the latest news about how fasting helps chemotherapy patients in the journal, Science Translational Medicine. Generally speaking, it seems like fasting causes cancer cells to eventually destroy themselves during a carefully monitored fast.

Lead researcher Professor Valter Longo, from the University of Southern California said, “what we are seeing is that the cancer cell tries to compensate the lack of all these things missing in the blood after fasting. It may be trying to replace them, but it can’t. The cell is, in fact, committing cellular suicide”.

Fasting can be one of many effective tools against cancer

With and without chemotherapy, fasting has been shown to slow the growth of breast cancer; melanoma; certain brain cancers; and neuroblastoma – a cancer that forms in the nerve tissue. However, across the board no matter what kind it is – fasting has been shown to be effective.

Multiple cycles of fasting combined with chemotherapy cured 20 percent of mice with a highly aggressive form of cancer while 40 present of mice with a limited spread of the same cancer were cured. By the way, research has found that none of the mice survived – if they were treated with chemotherapy alone.

The health benefits of intermittent fasting

Fasting and calorie restriction are already known to boost health and prevent many chronic health conditions. Keep in mind, there are several ways to accomplish the life-extending benefits of fasting without skipping meals.

Long fasts should not be done unless under the care of a knowledgeable health practitioner, but intermittent fasting has always been a part of humankind.

Delaying a meal is not only easy but great for your health. Intermittent fasting means to occasionally reduce or eliminate food intake for a short period of time. Studies have found that when lab animals were allowed to eat freely on every other day, they consumed the same number of calories as the freely eating group. The difference is that the groups that fasted every other day lived longer, had increased resistance to disease and improved insulin sensitivity.

In human studies, when subjects fasted on alternate days, they lost weight; reduced heart disease risk factors and slowed the growth of cancerous cells. So, let’s take a closer look at different types of fasting techniques.

The 16 hour fast

For the beginner, the “16 hour fast” is probably the easiest way to go with minimal effort. Try to eat all your meals during the day within an 8 hour period of time. For example, you only eat from 9 am to 5 pm – giving you 16 hours of fasting time until your next meal. Try this for a few days and watch your energy soar!

Creative ways to enjoy the benefits of fasting

You can also try to eat all your meals on one day and fast the next day. This “alternating day” fast can be done for a week or more (depending on your situation) with great results. By the way, the alternating day fast has been shown to be highly effective with cancer and heart disease patients.

Obviously, the safest and easiest way to incorporate the benefits of fasting into your everyday life is by drinking your food. Honestly, many people have never felt better once they give their digestive system a rest from solid food.

May I suggest that you treat yourself to a green juice fast. Some people call this “juice feasting” – because you can have an 8 ounce glass of green vegetable juice every hour – throughout the day.

If green juices don’t work for you – you may want to consider a day of superfood smoothies. Usually, this will make you feel more satisfied and you still get the benefit of giving your digestive system a rest from solid food. Either way, your energy will feel amazing!

Be flexible and have some fun

For most individuals, a liquid fast is a great way to play around with superfood nutrition. You can mix vegetables with a little fruit for a delicious juice or mix in your favorite protein powder with herbs and spices for an outstanding smoothie. Have you got a favorite juice or smoothie recipe? Post your healthy creations below in the comment section.

About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She has the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in natural healing including Naturopaths, scientist and energy healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.


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Blanche Levine

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