Dropbox, the popular cloud-based file storage service, has upwards of 200 million registered users. I doubt many of them have ever read the company’s privacy policy, which states clearly that the company will fully comply with requests from law enforcement agencies. And while the company does encrypt your files across their multiple data centers, they […]
Archive for the ‘Digital Footprint’ Category
A Voice in the Bean Aisle – Faith and Prepping
I couldn’t help but notice the white plastic bags that covered the handles of the gas pumps at the corner gas station. “Out of Gas”, said the sign. No gas on account of a hurricane a long, long way from Springfield, Tennessee. Fortunately, I had filled my tank earlier in the week and was only […]
What Search Warrant? Your Facebook Messages And Private Emails Are Not Safe From FBI Surveillance, Says ACLU
Warrants? We don’t need no stinking warrants. According to new documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, government officials may not always obtain warrants when they snoop through our emails, Facebook messages, and other electronic communications — and the FBI apparently doesn’t even believe it’s legally required to do so. The documents, which were […]
Online Security Matters
*Disclaimer: This is a guest post by Jay, the guy who created this website with Selco.* Right now the Feds are looking into warrantless cell phone surveillance after a surpeme court ruling made them turn off 3000 GPS tracking devices. That might have been the latest big news of a government slowly removing the rights […]