Scenario: It’s been 20 days since the blackout and 3 days since you have eaten. All the store shelves have been cleared out and there is no sign of recovery. The lucky ones already made their way out of the city, but there are some who decided to stay in the neighborhood. After your daily […]
Author Archive
Sustainable in the City: 7 Ways to Mask Food Aromas When the SHTF
Survival Cross Training – It’s Not Just For The Gym: 17 Skills Everyone In Your Family Should Learn
Possessing crucial skill sets are a must have when forming a survival group. Individuals bringing a variety of skills binds the group further to create a solid, well-functioning team. That said, like anything regarding preparedness, you do not want to become complacent and believe that just one person should perform a certain set of tasks. […]
Rookie Preppers: 8 Mistakes To Avoid
As some of you know, I’ve been prepping for several years now. Believe me when I say that I have probably made every prepping mistake in the book. It’s time I admit to these mistakes and begin using them as a learning experiences for those of you who are beginning their preparedness efforts. 8 Rookie […]
Sustainable in the City: Community Solidarity When the SHTF
When I first began learning about the worst case scenarios associated with emergencies and disasters, I have to admit there was a part of me terrified of waves of crime and gangs attacking our home and injuring my family. I knew that when the needs of the unprepared are not met, they are more likely […]
5 Known Bug Out Dangers
There are a lot of fears and concerns when it comes to bugging out. What if you forgot something in your bug out bag? What if you run out of gas? What if you didn’t pack enough seasonal clothes? Or, what if we run into a dangerous situation? These are all valid concerns to consider […]
Self-Reliant Skills
I have often emphasized how important it is to understand that preparedness isn’t about how many items you have stored away – it’s really about learning the skills necessary to survive. Ultimately, we want to be self-reliant and able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to adapt and transition more fluidly into self-reliant living, […]