Archive for the ‘Get Your Mind Right’ Category

25 Things That You Should Do To Get Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse

Do you think that you know how to prepare for the collapse of the economy? If so, are you putting that knowledge into action? In America today, people are more concerned about the possibility of an economic collapse than ever before. It has been estimated that there are now three million preppers in the United […]

You Survived But Are You Dead Inside?

In last article I wrote about surviving combat and how I experienced it during my year in war. Today I write about the aftermath. Survival is not only hard on your body but can also kill you inside. So you survive but you are just empty shell. You all heard of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress […]

The Reality of Combat

When SHTF nobody told me how hard is gonna be and what things I will have to do to survive, there was no training or simulations, through most of the stuff I was going for the first time in my life, and I was hoping it is only temporary situation, it is not going to […]

Three Typical Reactions to Survival Scenarios

Dealing with everyday problems when SHTF meant that you have to face whole new set of situations, from how to “take shower” with few liters of water to how to use pure violence when violence was not part of your life before. As I mentioned many times people used to find all kind of solutions […]

What If….Today Was the Last ‘Normal’ Day Any of Us Ever Have?

What if today was the last ‘normal’ day any of us ever have? What if in ten minutes time life as we know it ceases to exist? How it could start for millions of people Maybe you wouldn’t notice right away, the alarm goes off, you get up and head for the bathroom, you shower, […]

10 Rules for Trading in Long Term Survival Scenarios

All of us rely on our skills when SHTF. So we all hope that we can cover all of major skills that can lead us trough all basic needs in order to survive. So we choose to learn lot of things, how to fight , how to can, how to grow food, how to heal […]

How to Dress for OPSEC and Protect Yourself

The Gray Man doesn’t wear gray. Ok, maybe that’s not true in some cases because I have worn gray during surveillance, but hopefully you’ll get the point. Deciding what to wear for SHTF clothing to be the Gray Man is a simple concept, and it’s not just about color. You typically want to wear what […]

OPSEC Basics: Your Life Shouldn’t Be an Open Book.

I recently took a regional flight which lasted about 1.5 hours. I flew on one of those jets where you actually have to fold yourself into the seat and the overhead compartments are large enough to stow a pop tart in. I would guess a total of 75 people fit on that aircraft, which was […]

How Horrific Will It Be For The Non-Prepper?

[Editor’s Note: You have no doubt had your own set of issues dealing with friends and family members that simply don’t see the writing on the wall. The following article may serve to assist you in convincing those who simply don’t know, don’t want to know, don’t care, or have never even thought to contemplate. […]

The Philosophy of Freedom: Much More Than Demanding Government Get Out of Our Lives, You Must First Get the Tyranny Out of Your Own Heart

Do you agree with this statement? Government has no business telling us what to drink, what to eat, what kind of medicine we should take, what to smoke, what to farm, or how to run our private lives. These are all elements of individual liberty or what you might call personal freedom. They are all […]