[Todd’s note: Follower’s of this blog know that I am a lover of unconventional wisdom when it comes to health, nutrition, and fitness… which I consider your most important prep. I discovered Dr. Dan Stickler (Paleo Doc) in his post at SurvivalBlog a few years ago. His advice confirmed my Primal prepping lifestyle. He graciously […]
Archive for January, 2014
Live Like a Prepper but You Don’t Have to Be a Prepper: A Tale of Two Cities
What Would You Do For “Truth”?
I closed a recent post by saying this: If you’re not willing to suffer for your beliefs, you’re not much of a believer. To that I will add that the statement remains true, no matter what types of beliefs we’re talking about. Either we have the guts to stand by our beliefs or we don’t. […]
Sniper Basics For The SHTF Survivalist
God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best – Voltaire For a long time sniper tactics have been considered by many, even in the military, to be akin to a kind of state designated “murder” rather than a legitimate combat strategy. Only in recent […]
Drought. A Letter
Dear James, The biggest current threat to the U.S. food supply is the extraordinary drought that has had a relentless grip on the western half of the country. If you check out the U.S. Drought Monitor, you can see that drought conditions currently stretch from California all the way to the heart of Texas. In […]
The Importance of Being Prepared
Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said, “I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best” (Quotery.com). Some people falsely believe that being prepared is the sort of thing that is only reserved for fear mongerers and doomsday enthusiasts. However, being prepared does not mean that you want the worst to happen. […]
Pros and Cons of Freeze-Dried, Dehydrated, MRE, Canned, Food-Bars, Grains-Beans
A pros and cons list of the various methods and types of food for storage that you may consider in your overall preparedness plan. Add your own to the list…
Event Phases : Understanding The Progression to Collapse
My proof reader, harshest critic, and prepping partner (my bride of 45 years) read my first cut of this article and told me that it was interesting …….. but boring! She may be right, but I still think it’s worthy of a few minutes of your time to read. The points I make may be […]
The Top 12 Things to Disappear from Stores During an Emergency: And Why You Shouldn’t Care
There was a post from Tom Sciacca, owner of the Camping Survival site back in April of 2013 that listed the Top 50 things to disappear from Store shelves during an emergency. This post was compiled from a poll that Camping Survival ran on their Facebook page. In this poll, they asked all their fans […]
Three Digital Privacy Solutions You Should Know About
Dropbox, the popular cloud-based file storage service, has upwards of 200 million registered users. I doubt many of them have ever read the company’s privacy policy, which states clearly that the company will fully comply with requests from law enforcement agencies. And while the company does encrypt your files across their multiple data centers, they […]
Building a Backyard Water Treatment Plant
Clean drinking water is critical to your survival, because without potable water you will die within a few days. I don’t intend to hammer away on this point, because everyone who visits this blog generally knows how important it is to have access to clean water, and this subject has been covered many times from […]